The BBC Television Drama Guide 1936-2011 This guide is the result of many years of research building on the information contained in our orig.. Product #: KP16 based on 0 reviews Regular price: $29.99 $29.99

The BBC Television Drama Guide 1936-2011

Product Code: KP16

Price: £29.99

This guide is the result of many years of research building on the information contained in our original Drama Guide. It contains entries for more than 4,000 different programes produced for BBC television’s channels in the UK. It includes transmission dates, episode titles, cast and main production credits together with archive holdings and, where known, production and VT numbers. Apart from the occasional cross-over series where all details are shown, these books do not contain information for any programmes made by, or for, the ITV companies.

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Author Chris Perry
Author Richard Down
Author Simon Coward
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